Monetary gifts to this local Congregational church are used to support our annual operating fund, UCC mission funds, and local outreach. Each year our budget is supported by member pledges and other gifts to run our programs, support our staff, and maintain our building, which is used by many local groups for meetings and events.
As God gives to us in many different ways, we can also give to God through our local church in so many ways. Some of these opportunities come through flowers for worship and refreshments for the social time after the service. There are also ushers, greeters, readers, bakers and gardeners. You may have the gift we need.

Make a donation
Gifts can be made online via linked to this website, by check mailed to the church office, or by check or cash in the offering plate located in the back of the church.
Gifts for the future strength of the church can also be planned ahead as bequests in your will, life-income gifts, or gifts of life insurance and retirement funds.